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Monday, April 05, 2010

you lied to me... YOU LIED TO ME!!
How could you? You know that i hate ppl lying to me, when i 1st heard abt it i wanted to trust you because there is no evidence but this? This proves it all luh..
You made me lose trust in you, you freaking lied to me!!

by your side @ 4:10 PM

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Looking at the penknife now, thinking whether should i try it...

by your side @ 8:31 PM

YES, I do like you!! I have never fell so crazily in love with someone at all. I spent my time with you cherishing every moment.. But i didnt expect that this would happen. Maybe it is my fault for doing sth so foolish but i have nv regretted it. I wish for you to be happy, so i wish that you would spend your time more on your studies and happiness.

I have always been alone, my freinds have been there but not with me.

Walking down these endless streets alone, finding an exit for all these loneliness.

by your side @ 8:11 PM

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Have been so long since i didnt post luh.
Studies have been ood but await improvement,gotta retake chinese and work hard for poa and dnt.

In my life,to me my friends are more important to my family and to me friends are the pillars of my life especially my close friends.I am willing to sacrifice my time and my effort to either make my friends happy or at least accompany them even if they do not need it.I love my friends as much as I love my family and i am willing to put in every effort for them but recently i feel that all my friends are drifting away from me eventhough we have just been living the same life as usual the distance is there I can feel it.Sorry my friends if i did anything to hurt you or harm you in anyway.I am really sorry and I hope that you can tell me what I have done wrong and I will sincerely apologise and change.Will you forgive me?

by your side @ 10:34 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

OH GOD THIS IS KILLING ME,as in even u wan a cool down u shld at least give me a reply man i really don wan a good friendship to end like this even if we cant... oh pls for heavens sake cannot you ANSWER ME ????!!!! :'(

by your side @ 10:59 PM

Sunday, June 28, 2009

haha this is so overdue cause i type half way than leave it there to rot lol


back from tvc.omg it was so fun lahs i made loads of new friends and had a better understanding of trybe :)

1st Day

met hazwan at 11 at clementi mrt down tio newton than gather there wit new friends like si hao,susanna,joevenn,alex,adlar,vivian and jeremy.than vege who was late came and fatch us with oliver than ya blah bla reach aldham hall of acs barker than ice breakers than went to our bunk laid our bags down for sth that i forgot than dinner than a sharing of trybe session than some of us went for movie while the rest for induction watched click than aft that lights out watched bed time story than knock out.

2nd Dayand 3rd day lazy type haha

sch reopened boring as usual need to stop slacking and start focusing haha

sat went to have dinner wit br,vege,glenda,henzy,janice,vanessa,and peeps haha whole kfc all our laughter lol annoying lah looking forward to sunday for 1 more outing haha :D

by your side @ 12:02 AM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

First of all
went out with derek,andy,eldin,wanling and hui shan.actually wanted to watch taking of pelham 123 but who knows andy and derek with hui shan is still underage haiz so went carls junior had a scrumpcious lunch than went up to play pool,2 hours than went to swensens to eat ice cream lol make a nuisance there than went up sky park slack for 2 hours playing truth or dare and gosssiping lol
really thx everyone that wished me the 1st ting u knew lol especially the 6 up there thx to ur u made me have most memorable birthday celebration and to everyone that wished me thx and love u loads haha

especially u who wished me 1st of all people

23rd June
went back sch to do dnt and know that sch holidays are not extending tats like sad la
haiz than aft that went ljs company them eat played psp than go home.
Tmr going trybe volunteer camp(tvc) haha but than su and le going nv tell me :( haha will be back on fri :D

wil be missing u :-*

by your side @ 11:49 PM

Saturday, June 20, 2009

woah its been long since i blog lol
investiture was over exams did avg prelims oral are over
recently,leadership camp just ended have sleepover at andy and dereks hse
oh ya this is suppose to be a dedication post.


To RongTing:Don tink to much kay if you really don feel good we your friends are always here for you ya?

To Shili:OMG! my dear lil girl when i saw the photos on your blog wit ur long hair i was thinkng'wow my once cute and tiny bestfriend has matured into a lady cool' haha must be honoured that i praise u hor haha :D

To Derek n Andy:Thx alot for letting me sleepover and cause all the trouble really thx alot bros.

To my grp mates in leadership camp:Thx to your that my life in camp can be a success espacially gervais ya?'haiz'haha and ya must thx oliver,acalya and kai real thank you from the bottom of my heart :).

haha quite short right?lol oh ya 2 more days to my bday and i still gotta go to sch on monday sianz nvm must be optimistic.
24-26 June
and i am going haha so try not to cantact me kay?

by your side @ 4:33 AM